How to Create a Predictable Sales Process

How to Create a Predictable Sales Process

Oliver Lopez
Oliver Lopez Aug 4, 2024 2:53:51 PM 2 min read

Creating a predictable sales process is crucial for ensuring long-term growth and success. Understanding where you and your team stand in this process is the first step toward improvement. Here are, in my opinion, the five different levels you should be aware of:


1. Adhoc

At this level, there is a complete lack of a structured sales process.

This means there are no fixed routines or procedures for how to conduct sales activities. Salespeople often act impulsively and rely on memory for each step in the customer journey, leading to a poor customer experience. You struggle to keep track of previous communications with your customers. This results in missed opportunities and lost deals. Without follow-up and clear accountability, it becomes difficult to identify what works and what needs improvement. This level poses a significant risk for companies aiming to grow, as it lacks the conditions for scalability and systematization.

2. Defined

At the defined level, there is some structure in the sales process.

The process is broken down into clear steps that may include everything from scheduling meetings with customers to sending quotes and negotiating. This provides some predictability and makes it possible to follow a standardized path for each sales cycle. However, the process is still mainly centered on the seller’s activities and focuses on what the sales team does rather than the customer’s needs and journey. This can mean missing out on important insights about the customer’s perspective and buying behavior, leading to lost deals and reduced customer satisfaction.

3. Proactive

At the proactive level, you have taken the step to not only have a defined process but also actively adapt it from the customer's perspective.

Here, CRM systems and other digital tools are used to collect and analyze data on customers’ behavior and needs. The sales process is both digital and analog, meaning you meet the customer where they are, whether it's on social media, through webinars, via your website, or at sales meetings with the customer. All departments that have customer contact, such as marketing, sales, and customer service, are integrated into the process to ensure that the customer receives the same message from you regardless of whom they talk to.

4. Optimized

At the optimized level, you have developed an integrated process that connects both the buying and selling processes.

This means that every step from when the customer first contacts your company to the end of the customer journey is mapped out and can be followed up. Data is collected and analyzed to identify patterns and trends, making it possible to make data-driven decisions. You continuously work to improve the process by evaluating historical data, such as results from previous quarters or campaigns. At this level, the goal is to constantly adjust and fine-tune processes to maximize efficiency and customer satisfaction. It also means you can set clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success and identify areas that need improvement.

5. Predictable

Reaching the predictable level means you have a fully optimized and reliable sales process!

Using historical data and advanced analytics, you can make qualified predictions about future sales. For example, you can predict how much business will close in an upcoming quarter, what types of customers will be involved, and what activities will be required to achieve these results. At this level, you have a deep understanding of which activities drive the most value and can focus your resources on maximizing returns. It also means you can plan long-term and strategically, focusing on closing large and important deals that can have a significant impact on your growth and success.

Did you enjoy the post? Want to talk more about predictability, growth, and increased revenue? Contact us today, and we’ll be happy to continue the conversation!



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